Fold Mapping
We present a design method that prioritises in-context design for origami surfaces with periodic tessellations in a parametric CAD workflow using Grasshopper 3D. The key design criteria are: target geometry surface, user-defined folding patterns as periodic tessellations, and fold resolution. Using an error minimisation solver, we generate developable crease patterns from non-developable meshes. We evaluate our method through a study of a target geometry , Fold Mapped with various fold molecules at variable resolutions, and present a visual analysis as proof of form-fit to the target. This method affords rapid development of origami surfaces, bypassing significant trial and error in by-hand design processes.This method extends the syntax of Natural Folding Patterns. The shape and transformation language that is afforded by the understanding of the intrinsic geometric shapes present in origami patterns, we can further manipulate the parameters of target shape and generate foldable origami patterns.
Gardiner, M., Aigner, R., Ogawa, H., & Hanlon, R. (2018). Fold Mapping: Parametric Design of Origami Surfaces with Periodic Tessellations. In 7th Origami Science Mathematics and Eductation Conference. Presented at the 7OSME, Oxford, Great Britain.
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We present a design method that prioritises in-context design for origami surfaces with periodic tessellations in a parametric CAD workflow using Grasshopper 3D.